Meeting Reviews 2018

Monday 3rd December

Our Christmas Party

We were very lucky to be entertained by the Salvation Army, who played a large variety of Christmas carols for us to sing a long to.


Our party was a ‘Bring and Share’. Look at all the amazing food we had.



Enjoying ourselves , we also thought of those less fortunate . We all brought a selection box to be taken to the food bank to be given to children for Christmas.

Wednesday 7th November


Our meeting was held at the chapel , our speaker was Sylvia Mason. One hundred years after the First World War ended, Sylvia spoke about the role of women in the First World War. Seven women from Newport died serving in the First World War, but hardly anyone can name them. Sylvia talked about her book ‘Every Woman Remembered’, commerating the contribution these women made during the war. 

Monday 1st October

Our Harvest Supper

We  had a ‘Bring and Share’, with an amazing amount of delicious food, and an enjoyable social evening.

As well as enjoying lovely food , we also thought of those without much food and donated a large amount of tins, bottles and packets of food to the Trussell Food bank in Newport.




Liz Cooke won the competition – A home made symbol of Harvest, and was presented with the Edith Evans cup by Vicky Evans, whose mother in law was Edith Evans.

Monday 3rd September

This months meeting was a bit different . We didn’t have a speaker, instead we used the opportunity to make new friends and get to know people. We were each given a number between 1 and 6. We then had to find other people with the same number. Our first task was to tell our partner / group , three things they would not know about us. Later in the evening, we had the chance to swap groups. The evening gave us plenty of opportunity for conversation with people we don’t often talk to.





Monday 2nd July

Our talk was given by Franka Nigra about the work of the St David’s Foundation.

Trissie presented Jean with a book ‘The History of Demman’ to thank her for her work as President for three years.


Monday 4th June

An Edwardian Maid


Monday 7th May

We had our A.G.M. followed by a fish and chip supper.

Our president Jean Stanbury stepped down after three years as President. A big thank you to Jean for all her hard work.

We elected Vicky Evans as our new President.

The Rose Bowl for scoring the most points in our monthly competitions was awarded to Jean Stanbury.

Monday 3rd April

Our speaker – Angela Gorman gave an inspirational talk on Life for African Mothers. She explained how maternal mortality rates can be reduced by medication, and everything she has done to support this cause.


Monday 5th March

Unfortunately, due to the snowy weather , our meeting for 5th March was cancelled.

Monday 5th February 

Our speaker tonight was Glenn Booker, who gave a fascinating talk about G.I. Brides. It was amazing how many G.I.Brides came from Newport and surrounding area, many of whom emigrated to America. We had many interesting World War 2 memorabilia for our competition. 

Tuesday 2nd January

Resolutions and Cheese and Wine

A wet and windy evening brought a good turnout at the chapel for Resolutions and Cheese and Wine.

We discussed the Resolutions and had a quiz with a difference!

The W.I. Resolutions for 2018 are

1. Positive body image in a digital age.

2. Stop female genital mutilation

3. Raising awareness of modern slavery in the UK

4. Mental Health Matters

5 Healthier Mouth, Healthier Body

After voting in the Resolutions we had an enjoyable  evening with Cheese and Wine.