A.G.M. Minutes

Minutes of AGM at Ponthir  Village hall 1st May 2023

Diane Hall, Enid Munsen , Lorraine Morgan Jen Evans Jen Mitchel
Liz Cooke,Sharon James

Having dealt with the general meeting the AGM began and has been recorded separately

Last meeting  minutes were authenticated by  Helena  Thomas and Gill Archibald

1)Review of the Bye Law; ’No Officer shall remain in office for more than 3 years . As long as one is off the Committee  for 1 year  they can return  to Committee if elected  to an Officer Post  and can remain for another 3 years ’Sue  commended this bye law but observed  that in  the light of fewer committee members coming forward she asked if this bye law could be suspended for 2023-2024

That of suspending the Bye Law  was unanimously  agreed by show of hands
Agreed by  Helena Thomas 

2)The Financial Report form Trissy Williams  It has been  sent electronically to all members.

Having approx £4100 in accounts it was decided by committee to reduce subs to £40 for  the benefit of all members. Expenditure for Hall ,Speakers ,Newsletters was now back to ‘normal’

Trissy  said that the Trading Stall and Raffles had  contributed well this past year  and she hoped members would continue to support.

Financial report  was  proposed by Mary Murray and adopted by a show of hands.

It was proposed to use same Financial Examiner by Alison Buffery and accepted .

Trissy has done a sterling job as Treasurer and her accounts were duly noted as exemplary by the auditor. Sue thanked her for this.

3) Annual Report by Secretary Vicky Evans

We have 53 members  We have 9 Committee members ,  we held 10 committee meetings and 11 monthly meetings.

There were resolutions in January, Alice Foundation in Feb,  Recorders and Handbag Bingo in March,  New Age Curling in April,  appointment of New President and Secretary in May,  Platinum Jubliee and  our 62nd Birthday in June  Rachel Brown on Independence day in July, Beetle Drive in September ,  Harvest supper in October,  Matt Johnson Crime Writer in November , Christmas Party and Singing Group in December. We had Mystery Trip to Chepstow castle in September

President’s Report by Sue Lewis

Sue was please to say that we are a large WI at Ponthir  and we pride ourselves on retaining members and recruiting new members.

She thanked the Committee for all their hard work and reminded the meeting that being on the Committee was  good fun and a way to make lovely friends as well as work. She  told the meeting of the contribution of each member and their roles within the organising of a successful Institute

She hoped that Shirley would return to the Committee once her comittments  were not as acute. She would be missed very much and Sue thanked her for all her work and good will.

Sue commented on how much fun and how interesting our meetings had been  as well as the Mystery trip to Chepstow Castle.

Rose  Bowl was awarded  to Liz Cooke for winning most competitions and Cup was awarded to Denise Wolf and Sharon James for all their work on Trading Stall

Sue thanked craft group for their amazing Toppers and for beautiful hand made cards which we send out to members . She especially thanked Diane Hall for being the chief contributor especially at this difficult time for her.

Sue proposed The Annual Report be accepted and  was duly approved by the members by a show of hands.

4)Election of New President

Voting slips and pens had been provided for all members
Committee stood  and faced the members , stating their names  and jobs on Committee

Secret Ballot took place. Votes were counted.  Sue  Lewis was unanimously elected as our President again.

Meeting closed at 8.15 pm  and Fish and Chip supper was served